Since 1993, we are carrying out quantitative and qualitative fields with expertise and know-how.
To optimize your field, we provide state-of-the-art equipment integrating IT equipments (CAWI, CAPI, Tablets) allowing us to manage a wide variety of fieldworks
An enthusiastic, dynamic team working to meet your needs and to ensure that your projects produce top-quality results.
2CV Research / 2NA / A2S Communication / Aalta Research / Adage Adjuvance / ADN Marketing Science / AEGIDE / Affordance / Agalma Agence KI / All Global UK / Altima / Altitude Innovation / Anakeys Consumers / Analyses & Stratégies /Arche Italia / Arkema / Athlane Conseils / Atouts Quali / Attoma / Audirep & Marketing / Aviso Conseil / Axance / Babel Stratégie / Behrend Marketing Research / Belle Mine BETC EURO RSCG / BIOFORTIS /Bloom USA / Bottcher marketforshung Allemagne / Brain Value / Bubbles / Bullseye USA / Cameleon Group / CDG Conseils / Cegedim Strategic Data / Celtipharm / CFI Groupe Italie / Cido Research Allemagne / Co imagine / Consens Allemagne / Côté Clients / CXP / DCAP research / Della Vita / Demoskopea Italie / Elipso / Elixo / EMRA / Enov Research / Evanos / Exafield / Excalibur Italie / Exoformations / Expansion Consulting / Fiskars / Fragance Inspirations /Frank Winter UK / Future Thinking / GIM / Gim Allemagne / Happy Thinking People / Happy User / Icare / Iconoplast / ID Map / ID View / IMS Consulting UK / Interactive MR Italie / Interpret USA / IPSOS (Allemagne, Canada, Espagne, France, Hollande, Italie, République Tchèque, Suisse, USA)
IPSOS Understanding / ISM Global Allemagne / ISOCL / Istia Marketing / JAM Communication / Jumping / Kadence UK / Kaliwatch / Kantar Health / Keith Gordon UK / Keolia / Kids International Italie / Kramer Marketforschung Allemagne / LB Qualiatitve / Leyhausen Allemagne / Liberman Research USA / Ligarix Plan Créatif / Ludotic / Manufacts Research Allemagne / Market Probe USA / MC Consulting / McKinsey & Cie / MCMG / Meaning Conseil / Mediametrie / Mindline Allemagne / Mix factory / Monheimerinstitut Allemagne / Napoléon Agency / New paradigms UK / NJ Positive Consulting / Novatest / Novidae / Nukleon Consumer Insights Allemagne / Numsight Consulting / Opened Mind / Opinion Allemagne / Opinion Way / Out of the box / Pascaleo / Philomarque / Primary Point USA / Q Agentur Allemagne / Quadema / Qualeia / QualiQuanti / Rapaport Conseils / Reperes Quali / Resonance / Rheingold Allemagne / Rosenthal Research Espagne / Ruigrok Net Panel Pays Bas
Saatchi&Saatchi / Scenarii / Seek Company USA / Semiopolis / Set Up Consulting / Sinotrend Consulting / Sociolab / Soft Computing / Sorgem / Sous le Sens / Spiegel Allemagne / SQLI / Stethos / The Laundry WIP / Think Out / TNS SOFRES France et UK / Tobii Technology Suède / Universum Suède / Vertigo / Victa Conseil / VIVAKI / WMM Allemagne / YouGov UK / Zeste research
Annonceurs :
BNP / Carrefour / CCIP / Cie des salins du Midi / Crédit Agricole / France telecom / Gemey Maybelline Garnie / Grands Moulins de Paris / Groupe l’Occitane / IKEA / Johnson & Johnson / Kelloggs / Kyocera Japon / MisterGoodDeal / Orange Pacifica / Pepsico / Price Minister / Procter & Gamble Belgique et USA / Saatchi & Saatchi / Takasago / Telecom ParisTech / Voyage el Cortes Ingles